mardi 17 mars 2015

Addressee means

Addressee means

Addressee meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary. To the individual addressee the need to state clearly the addressees of reports. Addressee - definition of addressee in English from the Oxford. Best Answer: The person who receives the letter vs.

Addressee Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary days ago. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference. Addressee dictionary definition addressee defined - YourDictionary The definition of an addressee is the intended recipient of something or the person to whom a verbal or written statement is to be delivered. Addressee definition and synonyms Macmillan Dictionary Define addressee and get synonyms. The one to whom something is addressed.

Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

Addressee dictionary definition addressee defined - YourDictionary

Addressee Definition of Addressee by Merriam-Webster Define addressee: the person to whom mail is addressedusage, synonyms, more. The person or organization to which something, such as a. Comprehensive and authoritative, rely on Collins for up-to-date English with insights into. Addressee meaning, definition, what is addressee: a person whose name or address is written on a letter or parcel. Definition of addressee Collins English Dictionary Definition of addressee The official Collins English Dictionary online. Addressee Define Addressee at m Addressee definition, the person, company, or the like to whom a piece of mail is addressed.

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Addressee Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

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Addressee definition and synonyms Macmillan Dictionary

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